
Optimize Your Adsense Ads

Google allows you to put up to three Adsense units on each page.

To optimize your Adsense ads it's a good idea to make them look as much as part of your content as possible. This is why Blogger has "Blend Template" as the default colour scheme when setting up your Adsense ads.

The problem with the "Blend Template" is it still stands out like an ad. However there is a way you can blend it even further.

Go to the Template button at the top of the screen, click, and click Edit HTML. You will see the code for the page. Now you need to scroll down until you see the line which has the Sidebar colour code.

Depending on which side of the page your Adsense ads are displayed you will be looking for the Sidebar Left or Sidebar Right colour code. The code will start with a # and have a series of letters and /or numbers. For instance my sidebar background colour is #d8e7f7.

When you've found it, write it down and return to your adsense page element tag. Type in the new code for the border and background colours and make all text colours match the rest of your post. Simple.

It's not a perfect match but its a lot closer than any of the standard colours in the Adsense setup that were available for me. Now they look as though they belong on the page.

If you're not familiar with colour codes, a handy free site is where you can print off a sheet with all the colours and codes you could ever need. They have a great way of teaching HTML coding too if you feel inclined.

Until next time


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