
Retire In One Year Update #3


Time for another update on the (RIOY) Retire in One Year Plan.

The building in the first Quick Income Program continues to build quickly. It is far exceeding the original estimated build of around 200 members per month.

To date (19 Jan 2008) i have a total of 449 paid members in my downline.

Remember I joined this business plan on 09th December 2007

In just 41 days I have had a total of 449 people placed under me, that's an average of 13 people joining this business every day and I have done nothing to build this except pay my subscription!

This is awesome!!

With 11 days to go to the end of January I can expect to have another 143 paid members in my downline at month end.

That will be a total of 337 members for January ( 592 since start date).

Each member allows me commission of $0.10, so I am well on the way to earning more than the $20 each month than originally forecast.

Remember each monthly payout is based on the number of paying members in your downline up to the cut off date of the 19th of every month.

Every month your paying members are added to the following months paying members. This is how your income grows month on month.

For example: Say month 1 you have 250 paying members, that's $25 commission.

Month 2 you have another 250 paying members that's another $25 plus the $25 for the previous month which totals $50 commission .

This goes on month on month.

The income from this 1 Quick Income Program will easily cover the cost of all 3 programs I am in within my third month.

The profits will then be used to enter further programs which should build me the $4000 per month residual income by my 13th month.

I can see this working, we have an excellent team build here.

I'll follow up soon

Onwards and upwards


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